Published inadidoescodeMajor update on the ingress controllerAt adidas, we work with GiantSwarm to manage our Kubernetes platform. They provide us with pre-made tools (Helm charts) that make it easier…Sep 6, 20242Sep 6, 20242
Published inadidoescodeadidas — How we are managing a container platform. 3/3In this final chapter of our series, we’ll explore the planned improvements in the management of our platform for the upcoming months and…Mar 1, 20241Mar 1, 20241
Published inadidoescodeadidas — How we are managing a container platform. 2/3In our previous posts, we explored how adidas built and managed its container platform. It worked fine at a smaller scale, but as we grew…Feb 16, 20241Feb 16, 20241
Published inadidoescodeadidas — How we are managing a container platform. 1/3On May 10, 2022, we began the migration of our platform’s configuration to a GitOps-based setup. This shift stands as one of the most…Jan 26, 20241Jan 26, 20241
Mitigate Docker Hub rate limit for freeSome weeks ago, Docker Inc announced its new service limits to its container registry: Docker Hub. It was a surprise for most of the…Nov 23, 2020Nov 23, 2020
Published inK8SpinThe new managed Kubernetes eraIt was a long time from our last publication. Now we have something really interesting to share with you.May 3, 20201May 3, 20201
Published inK8SpinWhat does fit in a low resources namespace? 3rd part. InletsThis is the third part of a series of stories that shows what kind of software could be deployed in a free tier namespace at 8, 20191Aug 8, 20191
Published inK8SpinWhat does fit in a low resources namespace? 2nd part. Hugo BlogThis is the second part of a series of stories that shows what kind of software could be deployed in a free tier namespace at 5, 2019Aug 5, 2019
Published inK8SpinWhat does fit in a low resources namespace? 1st part. Telegram BotA telegram bot deployed at for freeJul 29, 2019Jul 29, 2019